Thursday, May 03, 2007

Another Fine Month You've Gotten Us Into....

So far, May has not been any better than March or April.

My house is still under construction. Tonight my washer and dryer have been taken out of commission until the utility room floor is fixed.

The worst problem is, in two or three weeks, The Saint may be out of commission for a couple of months. He's going to have surgery on his ear - but because of how they do it, and the muscles and nerves involved it is a little bit like brain surgery, even though the brain isn't involved. Hopefully.

So, at the mimimum, it will be day surgery, he will be off work for a week, and not able to fly, lift anything over 5 lbs, and a number of other things for 6 weeks. Worst case scenario - in the hospital for three days, off work for three weeks, and the same restrictions. Worst case scenario isn't likely. Still - that is six weeks that he's not able to lift anything, and probably he will be limited for awhile after that.

I am worried about him. I don't think I have to say it, but I should, because people have accused me of being mean to him about it. I am worried, and scared. I get pissed instead of sobbing and moaning and wailing.

Still, I am really, really hoping we get all the work done BEFORE his surgery, because otherwise we will be in an unfinished house all summer. That's not the biggest worry I have, but it is a worry.

So, now The Saint has to have surgery.

Another piece of pooh in the pile that this year has become.

I guess I better just write off May, and June, and look forward to July.

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