Saturday, May 13, 2006

Living Together ? Test #2 The Bedroom

No, we will not be discussing kinky sex habits - sorry!

Second in my short series of tests is The Bedroom. While not quite as delicately fraught with mine fields as the bathroom, the bedroom has a fair share. Although most people don't decide to cohabitate (or marry) without extended sleep-over before hand, there are still some who don't; for whatever reason.

For me, the bedroom is the most personal room in my house. All my important stuff is there. I prefer comfort over style - most of the time.

Sleep-over bedroom behavior and living together behavior can be vastly different. The guy who wore silk p.j.'s during the courtship phase may, in fact, be a nude sleeper. The woman who wore nothing but lace may prefer a ratty oversized college t-shirt and a pair of bunny slippers. So - questions are good.

Test # 2 : The Bedroom

1. What temperature do you like the bedroom to be when you sleep?
a. Warm (above, say 70 degrees)
b. Medium (between 65 and 70)
c. Medium low (between 58 and 65)
d. Cool (under 58 degrees)

2. Do you like a window open during the night?
a. Never
b. Sometimes if it's warm
c. Often
d. Always, except when it's below freezing, and sometimes even then.

3. Do you like a fan going?
a. Never
b. Always
c. Depends on the temperature

4. Blankets
a. I prefer just a sheet
b. I like a light blanket in addition to a sheet
c. Depends on the temperature
d. I like a lot of blankets on the bed

5. Nightwear
a. Depends on the weather
b. Always - what if there is a fire?
c. Nothing
d. My favorite thing to wear to bed is__________________.
e. Depends on my mood.

6. Pillows
a. I like one pillow
b. 2 pillows
c. I will take all mine, and appropriate yours too during the night.
d. No pillows
e. ______pillows

7. Do you like to read before you sleep? (circle one) yes ----no

8. Can you sleep if someone else has a reading light on? (circle one) yes ---- no

9. Have people told you that you snore? (you don't have to believe them) yes ---- no

10. What kind of alarm do you prefer? Aside from no alarm; not usually an option.
a. Music
b. Not music
c. Loud
d. Soft

11. What type of alarm clock? A
a. Digital Face
b. Dial Face
c. Other

12. What type of alarm clock? B
a. Electric (with batter back up)
b. Battery
c. Wind up

13. When do you prefer to pick up your clothes after you get ready for bed?
a. I put them away that night
b. I put some of them away, and leave some of them for morning
c. I put them away in the morning
d. I wait for the elves to do it

14. What side of the bed to you prefer?
a. Right
b. Left
c. Whatever
d. Whichever side you're on

15. How often do you like to change the pillow cases?
a. Every day
b. Every few days
c. When the sheets are changed

16. How often do you prefer the sheets be changed?
a. Every day (you must have maids)
b. Every few days
c. Once a week
d. When they get dirty

From the Veterans: Remember, compromise is always possible. The sheet sleeper in our family often tosses all the blankets on the side of the person who prefers a pile of blankets on the bed. The person who prefers more blankets will often also add a blanket folded in half (or two) to their side during the winter.

Two alarms are an excellent idea, even if you get up at the same time. Trust us on this.

Buying all sheets the same color is helpful for folks who prefer to change their pillowcases more often than the sheets.

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