Friday, May 19, 2006

Leave Britney Alone!

I don't know her. I don't know her husband. I honestly can say I have no desire to know either of them.

I am not a fan.

I thought her first song, was kind of cute. No, I don't remember the name. Aside from that, I have as little knowledge as I can manage; since she is so often featured in the news.
The media-fueled impression I have is of a person who is uneducated and unaware of the real world.

I find myself feeling sorry for her. She's a new mom. She's made some mistakes. She has photographers who take pictures of her every move, and seem to delight when she does anything wrong. It's disgusting.

I don't know any new mom's who haven't made a mistake or two they wouldn't want their own parents to know about, let alone have them broadcast on national TV.

I know personally of babies accidentally dropped on their heads, left on top of cars in car seats; driven to the store sitting on someone's lap. Babies who rolled off of changing tables, were stuck by diaper pins...and many more. (No, these were NOT the same baby. And, except for the guilt of the mother's involved, no lasting trauma.)

I have to say, I wish the media would leave the poor woman alone for awhile. The way they revel in her ignorance is vile. She'll learn - most parents do - how to take care of her kid. But do we have to see every trip, hear about every stupid thing?

Just leave the poor woman alone.

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