Sunday, March 12, 2006

Taking A Break (this weekend)

This weekend I took a break from de-junking. I was noticing my attitude was starting to get surly. Well, foul would be a better description. All work, and no play and blah blah.
While I didn't EXACTLY take the break I was planning on, it wasn't bad. Friday I was off, so I worked hard-core. I got my bedroom done - except for the extensive book re-arranging and weeding that will take me awhile. Throwing away books, especially MY books is really hard for me. But, unless I remembered it well, or decided I wanted to read it again, out it went. Either to the "Friends of the Library" box if it isn't too elderly, or to the recycle bin. I also got the dining room finished. So, I'm down to three rooms - the remnants of Ken's room, the rec. Room, and the dreaded kitchen.
The rest of this weekend I just chilled, well, mostly.

I am not quite as obsessed with it as I was; mainly because the hardest part (the back bedrooms) are almost over. I have gone through both the other rooms in the last 2-3 years, so it really won't be so bad.

I haven't given anything away that I will miss. I might have given away or thrown out usable things, but nothing vital. It is feeling pretty good right now, to NOT have so much stuff.

My goals for next week are for the stuff that needs to go into the storage shed to get there, and to make significant headway on the rec. Room.
I know, YAWN, what a boring blog. It will get better soon, I promise.

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