Friday, March 17, 2006


Spring is on the way!

At least where I live. Plants are budding, flowers blooming. The smell of green growing things and wet dirt has arrived. The other morning I had to stop for a moment on my trudge to the bus and listen to the birds singing.

Spring gives me a joyful feeling; the world coming alive again. Well, okay, the weeds have been alive all winter- but the change from spring to winter makes even the rainiest day seem a little more cheerful.

The singing, budding, spring-scented day made me think about other things that make me joyful. I can think of a lot. Not just every-day happy, but joyful.

The sound of rain at night.
Writing when I'm "on a roll". Writers know what I mean, even if they call it something different.
Playing music.
Playing music with "The Saint".
Unexpectedly discovering a new book by a favorite author.
Reading a truly excellent book.
Accomplishing a goal - especially the more difficult and challenging goals.
Seeing wild animals in their natural homes. Yes, even a lowly, cheeky chipmunk makes me joyful. Even bugs, well, sometimes.
New Crayons. There is something optimistic about a brand new box, I don't care how old you are.
The classic and cliche gorgeous sunset on the ocean.
Big windy storms.
"The Saint." Okay, maybe not so joyful when he forgets to replace the toilet paper on the roller, but most of the time; joyful.
The animals who live with me.

I could go on forever, but I won't. The things that make me joyful range from the sublime to the utterly silly, just as it should be I think.

(Just think how joyful I will be when I finally get my de-junking finished. Ha ha.)

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