So, we have always had two cats. Since we were married.
However, right now we have Tink. She looks cute. Looks can be deceiving. She used to beat the stuffing out of our two male cats. When they died (Cocoa - probably eaten by a coyote, Kiel - diabetes) we decided to let her be the only cat.
She is the kind of cat who bites you when she is done being petted. Without warning. She is the kind of cat who will claw you as you are innocently passing by where she is laying. And who will jump on your feet and bite them (hard) in the middle of the night. Nothing is more fun to be awakened by ten needle sharp claws being inserted into one's foot.
I would love to have a kitten. Another cat. A cat who liked to be picked up and petted. Who got along with BOTH dogs. Who didn't bite for no reason. (When taken to the vet after a few episodes of her peeing right in front of me - and on me - the vet checked her all out and said, "Well, she's a torti."
She has a load of personality. She is a lot of fun, when she isn't being a witch. But she loves being an only cat, and I just can't see bringing some poor little kitten in to be tormented.
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