Thursday, April 26, 2007

Randomess Squared

I have been even more random than usual.
I have been thinking a lot about racism, sexism, and all that other crap.
I just don't get it. Yes, I understand the why - because many people keep themselves separate from people not like them. But the time is past for tolerance of that sort of garbage. I am making a pact with myself to no longer tolerate it. There have been times when I turned a deaf ear because someone was elderly, or a patron, or something else.
I am going to be deaf no longer.
I want those people to know it is not acceptable.
I am going to write letters. Make phone calls. Those are the easy things.

The hard thing is to politely tell an elderly patron that I find it offensive she is making an unacceptable comment about a racial group.
Or the elderly man that I do not care to hear his comments on why women should never be in the army.
I have yet to come up with a good overall strategy for this.
So if anyone has any suggestions, feel free.
I have been thinking a lot about death.
Probably because of Magic.
I don't know if there is a heaven or not. I lean toward the "when we are dead , we are dead" theory. Or, whatever we transform into is not "us" but either becomes part of something larger, or something else entirely. I like the idea of reincarnation. I have theories. But truly, we will not know what happens after we die, until we ourselves are dead.
I know that if heaven doesn't allow pets, I am absolutely not going.
I have been thinking about extra senses.
I think we have them.
I don't know if some people have them more strongly than others. I think nearly everyone has "something" I do think they are leftover from a time when we needed more than just our five senses to survive. I also think that someday what we now view as psychic or extraordinary phenomenon will be explained by science. Why, after all, does tarot work? What about things people have seen that can't be explained? Or felt? Or known? I have personally had all these experiences, and I am a realistic person. Although I have an excellent imagination, I tend to be a sceptic more than a believer. There are some things I have personally experienced that can't be explained away by coincidence.
I have been also thinking about projects.
We have a lot of them this spring. Fix the wet floor in our house. New floors in the utility room. Clean the carpeting. New doors, front and back. Build a fence in the back yard. Clean up the flowerbeds. There is a lot to do this year. I am ready.
I am also thinking of starting a daily blog when we start getting information about our new puppy.
With pictures.
About getting ready for a new dog.
Mistakes we make, and mistakes we made in the past.
Maybe even blog about our other dogs.
It might be fun.
If anyone has any suggestions or comments, feel free.

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