Saturday, July 22, 2006

"The Look"

No, not talking about the latest fashions (not that I keep track of that anyway) or the "Look of Love", either the Eighties song by the group ABC, or the super-sappy Burt Bacharach title.

I'm talking about The Look.

The one your mother used to give you. The one your partner gives you when you have Gone Too Far.
The one you give your partner when they have Gone Too Far.

It's been called the stinkeye. I call it the fisheye, although I have recently found there is a much more obscene meaning to that expression I didn't know about.

Chap-chap in Farsi. My friend called it the Ojo de Muerte, or something like that. It crosses cultures, and continents.

The biggest problem with the look, is the "lookee" may not always understand what the "looker" is giving him the look for. And might say "what?", when the lookee doesn't want to tell the other person "what" at that particular moment. Like, said person has said something too personal. Or, it's about an hour past the agreed upon departure time. Or, said person has just tramped mud across your kitchen floor, but you are on the phone with someone you don't want to hear you yelling.

A million reasons for "The Look". All good.

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