Wednesday, April 19, 2006

Guitar Lessons - Part 2

So, the guitar lessons are going well. For me.

Shhhh, don't tell, but T.S. is not doing so well at the moment. He is not pleased. I guess my 7 years of piano lessons count for something after all. Of course, I have a floating right hand problem, and I'm not hitting the right strings....but I have timing. Unfortunately, T.S. is a little shy, and doesn't know the teacher well enough to be comfortable around him. When he's not comfortable, he gets stressed out, and loses his confidence. So his timing is not so good at the moment, especially during class. I know he feels bad, and I don't know how to help.

That's not saying he won't get it; he will, it won't take long. Then he's going to be far beyond me - but right now he's not confidant about playing in front of anyone and it shows. Me, I'm confidant I suck; but know my playing will get better; I am also not embarrassed about playing in front of people, especially someone who already knows I suck.

I always did that playing the piano too, I still do. Not that I'm some great musician - I am not. I was an adequate but not gifted piano player. After only playing sporadically for 25 years, I am lame. I know I will get better again. You know, thinking about it, I would actually feel worse playing piano in front of people, because I am supposed to know what I'm doing. Hmmm, perhaps I can sympathize a bit more with T.S. now I have looked from a different perspective.

I think another difference is - practice. I practice a lot. My goal is 30 minutes, but sometimes it's only 20. I would also like to practice piano at least every other day for at least 20 minutes as well. I kind of like doing exercises - most people find them boring, but after I get them down, I like to play around with them. So, let's see what happens when I do this....

I just love playing music.

Speaking of which, I heard a great mew song "Black Horse and the Cherry Tree" by KT Turnstull. This song has so much energy! I don't know her other stuff, but this song ROCKS. I am planning on buying her CD soon, just because this song has caught in my brain. I would link to it, but I can't find a good linkable song snip. But, check her out. She plays a Gibson Hummingbird when she plays this song live.

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