Thursday, February 23, 2006

Something Smells Funny in Our House.
So far it's been four days of hunting for the source.
It's not coming from the "Dead Zone"; an area under our headboard difficult to reach for humans, absolutely perfect for cats to take, well, prey. Usually verminous in nature. The smell is also not anything which escaped "The Zone" only to expire elsewhere. Anyone who has ever smelled rotten flesh knows exactly what I mean; it is utterly gagsome and unmistakable, even from the smallest critters.
A common phrase on a warm summer day "There is something dead in here."
This smell is possibly vegetable in nature, however the turtle tank shouldn't have anything in it too smelly - it's turtle hibernation season, and we feed her lightly. However, just for the sake of elimination I am cleaning it this weekend.
The garbage is emptied often, and I make sure really odiferous items go straight to the outside garbage. Lessons learned the hard way.
No, this is a kind of musty, moldering smell that catches in my nose every time I get a whiff. Not quite as stinky as wet cat, but a little worse than dog breath. Not a poop smell (thank goodness) or the acrid stench of cat pee. More similar to wet gym socks left in a bag. Or smelly cheese.
Since I am de-junking, I am highly suspicious of boxes recently packed for charity, and the garbage bag which should have nothing organic inside to create such a stench.
Wish me luck on my hunt, and hopefully I will track it down before it gets utterly unbearable.

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