Saturday, January 28, 2006

The most important writing tip of all.

I just spent four hours composing a blog; a thoughtful piece on basic writing techniques I find helpful.

I forgot the most important tip of all. Number one for anyone who writes on a computer. Save early. Save often.

Don't let four hours worth of work be virtually wiped out by a careless click of a mouse, and end up flipping out like I just did.

I may re-write the blog at a future date - for now I deleted the whole mess. I don't even want to look at the twitching remains. Which is probably all right anyway; usually the second re-write is better.

I have a feeling the whole thing was a pretentious mire of good intentions - at least I'm telling myself it was so I don't re-flip.

Remember. Save. SAVE. SAVE.

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