Friday, August 19, 2005

Beatles or Stones? Part 2

In an effort to understand the whole Beatles vs. Stones thing, I took it to the street. Okay, maybe not "the street", but I took a highly unscientific and unofficial survey of people I knew.

I didn't tell them anything except I was doing it for my blog, and their names would not be mentioned. I didn't tell them if it was about the music, or something else. I also did not state my preference until after the survey, and only if they asked.

The results surprised me. Most of the people under 40, and virtually all of the men chose the Beatles.

Almost all of the women who chose the Stones were 40 and over.

There were several who could not choose at all.

Discussions became heated. Lines were drawn. Even The Saint and I got into a debate. The Saint stating, "The Beatles were, by far, the most muscially influential rock band of all time."
"Hah, what about NIRVANA!" I snapped.
Well, I admit it isn't quite the same, but...nevermind.

Even people who don't listen to classic rock had an opinion. Most of them chose the Beatles.

There are people out there who don't like the Beatles at all.
I thought I was the only one!

Now, one of the survey takers suggested the question "Dog or Cat" was more important, as a make or break relationship question.
And another survey taker added "Or even Animals or No Animals."
I may have to explore this in a future post.


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